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1. Members must be in possession of a valid EA rod licence, fish to EA rules and any, local rules or by-laws where applicable.


2. No Day Tickets on the bank. See website for restrictions on day ticket venues.


3. Drugs and excessive use of alcohol will not be tolerated in any circumstances.


4. Night fishing at Olney Mill must be approved in advance by the Committee / Secretary.


5. Unhooking Mats must be used for specimen fishing.


6. Barbed hooks can be used but fish care is paramount.


7. All individuals must have adequate toilet facilities and waste to be disposed of appropriately.


8. No camping tents allowed. Fishing shelters / bivvies ONLY.


9. No guests at pegs between 8pm and 8am.


10. Bite alarms or nite-lites must be used after sundown.


11. No OPEN FIRES or BBQ’s. Camping stoves are acceptable.


12. The committee has power to close any water under the jurisdiction of the club, if in their opinion, there is justification for the action.


13. Coarse, Trout and Eel fishing is prohibited in club waters during the close season for coarse fishing (15thMarch – 15th June).


14. Every member, when fishing club waters, shall exhibit their membership book, whenever requested to do so, and assist the bailiffs in every possible way. Any person found fishing club waters, without being in possession of a current club book/day ticket, will be ejected.


15. OFFICIAL BAILIFF’s have authority to confiscate club books on the spot if said bailiff considers the offence so warrants such an action. Member’s must produce book or rod licence, if requested to do so, either by a club bailiff, EA bailiff or fellow club member.


16. Junior members under-12 must be accompanied by a supervising adult sitting with the junior. Children aged under-17 must be in possession of a junior membership book. 


17. No cars to proceed beyond meadow gates without permission from the landowner and/or committee, car parks must be used where provided. Gateways must be left clear at all times. NO damage to banks, fences, or litter to be left thereon. Fires not to be made, no nylon line or polythene to be left. No bivvies or cars to be parked which will prevent access for other anglers.


18. Any member observing pollution in club waters to report immediately to a responsible club official and report to the EA on freephone 0800 807060.


19. The reserving of swims on any club water is strictly prohibited.


20. Camping, swimming and boating in any club water is strictly prohibited.


21. NO COARSE FISH OF ANY KIND MAY BE KILLED OR REMOVED FROM CLUB WATERS except fish classed as alien species: Specifically Zander and red signal crayfish.


22. No dogs are allowed on the waters without prior agreement by the committee. 


23. All swims must be cleared of litter before and after fishing.


24. When a competition is arranged on club waters, the competition peggers have priority over all swims. Any individual member fishing in the match stretch must move if requested to do so.


25. Competitions to be fished to Angling Trust rules, incorporating local rules or bylaws, where applicable, Pike and Zander will not be weighed.


26. Adequate equipment should be used when pike fishing. Unhooking mats, long forceps, side-cutters.



27. The use of gorge baits and dead-lines is strictly prohibited.


28. Should a member know, or be aware of a member breaking any fishing laws or rules, such member shall be only be dealt with on a report by the accuser or accusers to the secretary, who will make arrangements to call a committee meeting to deal with the accusation. The Committee’s decision to be final and binding in all cases. 


29. Any member committing a breach of any of these rules may be expelled from the club.


30. Members may only fish pegged-down matches on club waters by permission of the Committee. Requests for match venues to be with the committee 28-days prior to the proposed match date.


31. All members must be possession of a landing net on club waters.


32. All Eels must be returned alive, as per new by-laws. Eels must be handled with care and not to be held in a cloth or any other dry material. Do not stand on or pin down Eels with excessive force. If Eels are deeply hooked, cut the line as close as possible to the hook.


33. Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be decided by the Committee whose decision shall be final and binding on all members.


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Proudly created by Olney & Clifton Fishing Association.

OCFA actively supports safeguarding & protecting children and vulnerable adults Policies. For more information, please contact the club.

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